



为了让承包商申请建筑许可或在欧博体育官网工作, the contractor must have a valid contractor's license, general liability insurance and worker's compensation insurance. 这适用于所有类型的承包商. Just because an individual advertises in the phone book or newspaper, 并不意味着他们持有承包商执照. Neither the phone company nor the 报纸 verify that the contractors are licensed. Licensed contractors obtain building 许可证 for their work. 然后,这项工作需要由欧博体育官网国家认证建筑检查员进行检查,以确保承包商符合所有地方和国家建筑规范.


您可以识别欧博体育官网颁发的有效承包商许可证,因为它将在许可证顶部打印以下内容: 建筑 Department, Charlotte County, Certificate of Competency (a Certificate of Competency is a locally issued contractor’s license). 它还会有承包商的名字, address, 公司名称, 截止日期, 承包商的数量, 许可证的类型, e.g. 电气,油漆,屋顶,木工等.

您可以识别由佛罗里达州颁发的有效承包商许可证,因为它将在许可证顶部打印以下内容: State of Florida, Department of 业务 and Professional Regulation, followed by the 承包商的数量, date issued, type of license e.g. general contractor, electrical contractor, 屋面 contractor, 等.,承包商名称,业务名称(如果适用),以及底部的到期日期.

当地营业税收据(BTR), 取代了职业执照, is issued by Charlotte County and is not a contractor's license. 这是一种税. For more information on the local 营业税 Receipt, 请致电941与税务处联络.743.1350.

To verify if an individual or company is licensed and insured, 你可以打电话给建筑工程部, 牌照组,电话941.743.在早上7:30到下午4:30之间, 星期一至星期五,假期除外; or, 使用我们的网上服务 搜索 for a List of Contractors Capable of Performing Work.


​The hiring of an unlicensed contractor is the direct responsibility of the consumer; thus, the consumer is accountable for all outcomes associated with the contractor’s work. This often leads to unsafe and hazardous construction and, 最终, 消费者的额外成本. 消费者, who hire unlicensed contractors or fail to obtain the required 许可证 and inspections, 会被罚款还是在欧博体育官网执法委员会面前接受准司法听证会.

如果你的工作没有获得许可证, the possibility exists that the work will not meet the required 建筑 代码, which could result in an unsafe and hazardous condition. 因为无牌承建商不需要办理获得承建商执照的手续, 他们不了解持牌承建商所了解和遵守的所需建筑标准. 这导致劣质和不合格的工艺.无牌承包商所做的工作往往不符合标准,最终导致昂贵的维修和纠正,需要有牌承包商的服务. 消费者最终支付的费用比雇佣有执照的承包商要高.

如果消费者雇佣了一个没有执照的承包商,而承包商或他的一个雇员在你的工地上受伤,消费者可能要对这些伤害负责. 通常没有执照的承包商不为你的财产损失投保责任保险.


  • ​Unlicensed contractors may request a large down payment in cash, or a check made out to cash prior to doing any work. They may even offer to drive you to the bank to obtain these funds.
  • 无牌承包商会要求你获得许可证或建议你不需要许可证. If you would just call the County 建筑 Department at 941.743.1201, 工作人员会非常乐意告诉你,你的工作是否需要许可证.
  • 无牌承包商通常不会向消费者提供书面合同或担保.
  • 无牌承建商在其合约或广告上不会有有效的承建商编号, 这是州和县法律规定的.
  • Unlicensed contractors often want to do the construction work on weekends.
  • Unlicensed contractors may promise you a large discount if you sign up immediately.
  • 要小心那些声称刚刚在街上完成一项工作并有剩余材料的承包商,他们提供廉价的工作.
  • Beware if the contractor has a post office address with no street address, 或者说是当地一家汽车旅馆的地址.
  • Beware of people wanting to do a free home inspection. 在允许他们进行此类检查之前,请务必核实他们是持牌承包商.
  • Beware of people soliciting to do roof repair, asphalt or texture coating of driveways.
  • Beware of contractors who want to use your home as a demonstration model.
  • 无牌承建商通常没有一般责任保险或工人赔偿保险.
  • Unlicensed contractors normally target the elderly, uninformed, young and inexperienced.
  • Unlicensed contractors normally use unmarked vans or trucks.

经常, 当你拒绝与无证承包商做生意时,他们会变得辱骂和威胁你. 如果发生这种事请打941给警长办公室.639.2101,如果有紧急情况请拨打911. 拨打941.743.1201 if you are approached or suspect you are dealing with an unlicensed contractor.

在确认承建商有执照之前,不要支付订金或签订合同. Ask the contractor to leave the contract with you and come back the next day. This gives you the time to look it over without being pressured or intimidated. Also, 联系 the 建筑 Construction Division at 941.743.如果您怀疑可能有问题,或者您想检查承包商是否有适当的许可证.


​Beware of home solicitation sales whether by phone or door to door sales.这些承包商经常以老年人为猎物. 事实上, there seems to be a network of contractors in different aspects of work, 如, 空调, 屋面, 绘画, 水处理销售, 等. that specifically depend on phone and door-to-door sales to conduct their business. (while not all contractors who do phone sales are unscrupulous, when dealing with telephone or door-to-door solicitations, 人们应该非常小心.
这些承包商通常会有一个本地电话号码,转发给应答服务. 请致电941给承建商牌照局.743.1201,周一至周五,早上7:30.m. - 4:30 p.m. will verify whether or not you are dealing with a local or out-of-town contractor.

一旦卖给了房主, 据信,承包商然后将这些信息传递给其他不道德的承包商,然后他们试图让你购买他们的服务. 这些承包商将年复一年地回到你的住所,试图让你购买额外的服务. 经常, 他们会告诉你,他们只收取你的人工费,材料将在你的保修范围内. The cost of the labor is often as much as the original job.

这些承包商通常会花很多时间与客户在一起,试图收集个人信息,然后将这些信息传递给其他人. 他们经常雇用压力很大的推销员,直到合同签订才会离开. The high-pressure sales tactics will often include utilizing multiple sales personnel. If you ever feel pressured, advise the salesman to leave. If the salesman fails to leave or you feel threatened, 请立即拨打941与警局联系.639.夏洛特港和蓬塔戈尔达的2101或941.475.9点5分在恩格尔伍德.

Remember, you have seventy-two (72) hours to cancel a 首页 Solicitation Contract. You must send the contractor a letter stating that you wish to cancel the sale. This letter must be sent via certified mail, return receipt requested. Make sure you keep a copy of this letter for your records. 在某些情况下, 比如房子和屋顶的油漆, the contractors will have you sign the contract and they will start work the next day. 如果是这种情况,您仍然可以使用72小时(72)取消条款. 该部门还建议您立即通过电话联系承包商,通知他们您将取消销售,并将发送同样的认证邮件通知他们. 承包商必须退还任何保证金.

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请拨打941联系欧博体育官网代码合规部门.743.1201,周一至周五,上午8点.m. - 4:30 p.m.,假期除外.


代码合规 ​941.743.120​1
承建商是否持牌 & 被保险人? 941.​743.1201
是否需要建筑许可证或已发出建筑许可证?​ 941.​743.1201
夏洛特港或蓬塔戈达港 ​941.639.2101
恩格尔伍德 ​941.475.9005
紧急情况请拨: ​911

以避免大多数销售招揽电话, 消费者可向农业及消费者服务部(FDACS)登记. 所有在佛罗里达州工作的律师, 慈善机构除外, 报纸, real estate professionals in response to a yard sign or ad, 或有关现有债务或合同的电话, are prohibited from placing calls to numbers on this list. There is an initial $10 fee and a $5 annual renewal fee.

报名请拨打800.435.7352或写信给FDACS, 消费者服务部, 梅奥建筑, 塔拉哈西, 佛罗里达州32399 - 0800. FDACS负责本法的执行, 不是你当地的电话公司(摘自1999年11月Sprint电话簿信息页第15页).


  • 在签订合同或给承包商保证金之前,总是要得到三(3)个投标或估价.

  • Call the 建筑 Department’s Contractor 许可 Division 941.743.1201 to inquire if a contractor has a valid contractor’s license and insurance.

  • 每个承办商的合约上都应列有承办商的编号,以便向牌照科核实.

  • Make sure the work to be done is in writing on the contract regardless of how minute.

  • Make sure all warranties are listed on the contract - not verbal.

  • Make sure you read all the fine print on your contract and understand same, or ask your contractor to explain before you sign the contract.

  • 在合同中包括,当工作完成时,承包商将向您提供承包商的最终宣誓书(无留置权),同时您向他支付最后一笔款项.

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